Australia Day Awards
Each Australia Day, the communities of Coonamble and Gulargambone honour individuals and organisations who have made an outstanding contribution to the community during the previous year.
You are free to nominate a person or organisation at any time, with nominations usually closing during the first week of January (before Australia Day). You will also need to supply the name and contact details of another person who will support the nomination you are making.
Coonamble Australia Day Awards
In Coonamble, the award categories are:
- Citizen of the Year.
- Young Citizen of the Year (aged under 26 years on 26 January).
- Community Group of the Year (for outstanding events or achievements during the year).
- Sportsperson of the Year (for outstanding achievement in sport, aged 18 and over).
- Junior Sportsperson of the Year (for outstanding achievement in sport, aged under 18 years on 26 January).
Award nomination forms can be completed online or as a hard-copy form available at Council’s Administration Offices, at the libraries in Coonamble and Gulargambone and at the Quambone Store.
Complete the online form here.
Download and print a nomination form here:
Gulargambone Australia Day Awards
Are you ready for the rabbit trap relay, watermelon-eating competition, gumboot throwing and paddy melon bowls?
These are some of the fun activities organised for the Gulargambone celebration of Australia Day.
The Gulargambone Australia Day Award Ceremony begins at 8am with a cooked breakfast (sponsored by Coonamble Council) at the Lions Park, Gulargambone.
The official ceremony begins at 9am with a Welcome to Country, followed by the introduction and addresses by a Council representative and the Australia Day Ambassador.
Each of the nominees for the various category of Australia Day awards will be introduced, followed by an announcement of the winners.
The event finishes with a group photograph of all participants and attendees for the Australia Day Council.