Economic Development Strategy
The focus of economic development initiatives will be to assist the growth and retention of business; attract diverse, sustainable and responsible new industry development; and build the profile of the Coonamble LGA to attract investment, industry, new residents and tourism.
Objective | Strategic Theme | Intended Outcome |
Provide a positive, supportive and responsive investment environment. | 1. Open For Business | Economy is diversified, sustainable and resilient. |
Support population growth and the creation of employment opportunities and a skilled workforce. | 2. Lifestyle & Liveability | Residents are well educated and gainfully employed. |
Upgrade existing infrastructure and secure enabling infrastructure. | 3. Infrastructure & Services | A skilled, capable and productive workforce has access to infrastructure that supports growth. |
Position the Coonamble LGA as a place where people wish to live, work, visit and invest. | 4. Brand Building | Effective communication, marketing & promotion of the Coonamble LGA as an attractive place to live, work, invest and visit. |
Support, retain, strengthen and grow local businesses. | 5. Grow From Within | Businesses are innovative, entrepreneurial, prosperous, sustainable & growing. |
Attract new investment that is sustainable and compatible with community aspirations and the LGA’s environment. | 6. New Business & Investment | Population, output and productivity is increasing. |
Council's Economic Development Strategy:
Coonamble Economic Development Strategy 2021 - adopted December 2020 |